Vol.3 'Unbounded Divinity' Collection - Inspired by divine stories from the Old and New Testaments, this collection delves into the complexity of free will granted by the omnipotent creator. It embodies the strength of faith, highlighting our capacity to endure suffering and sacrifice while blossoming into blessed individuals. Like a seed breaking through dark soil or a glimmer of light in a tunnel, the unbounded line reflects the elegance of tenacity and perseverance.
無垠的力量 - 靈感源自於舊約和新約的神性故事,探索自由意志的複雜性。體現了無垠的信念使我們在面對痛苦和犧牲時,仍能綻放成為祝福之人。如同種子對生機的嚮往,那份力量與堅持推動它們在土壤中穿透無盡黑暗,努力掀翻巨石,破土而出。信念就像一束光,承載著重生的希望,提醒我們珍惜每一個掙扎與成長的瞬間。
Continuing with our signature minimalist yet sophisticated design, we use pearls and metals to convey the resilience and divinity of faith, allowing the wearer to feel their innate spirituality, breaking free from the weight of constraints in the interplay of light and shadow. Boundless hearts, united in growth.