Vol.4 Touch Collection - Inspired by the beauty of the hand, as it is through our hands that we feel and sense the wonders of this world, seeking to unlock the tiniest of sensations and revealing the endless secrets around us.
觸碰系列 - 由手出發,通過指尖與掌心的握持與碰觸,情感得以導入、放大、銘記與傳達。無論是可觸摸的物體,還是細膩的感知,都得以發現與觸及。
No matter of tangible objects or intangible emotions, the ever rushing wave of life strangles us ever so firmly, yet our voyage for love continues despite the inevitable feeling of infinite regret and the light of love at the end of the tunnel ever so close.
The fluctuating traces of time, marking the present and the past, is ever so smooth and serene, setting reminders of the never ending warmth and beauty on this earth.