Plants, silent yet profoundly focused on growth, harness energy, release oxygen, and embody one of life's most common forms. Like lichens, they thrive in diverse extreme environments.

Botanicalia Collection - Inspired by plant growth, 'Botanicalia' Collection documents every phase and structure of life's journey, thriving towards the sun, boldly showcasing beauty, and quietly breathing and supporting in the dark.

植物無聲,卻通過專注成長捕獲能量釋放氧氣。它們猶如地衣一般,以生命的姿態廣泛分布於各類極端生境中。植物們系列 - 以植物生長為靈感,記錄了生命的每一環階段與結構。向陽生長,是肆意不羈地展示美麗的姿態,也是黑暗裡靜心呼吸與支撐。

Each role and state is a protagonist in the garden of life, delicate yet resilient, humbly focused on silent growth and refinement.


Drawing inspiration from real plants—the prickly yet blossoming 'Knotweed,' the abundant layers of 'Bitter Ginger,' the heart-shaped leaves of 'Ceropegia Woodii,' and the delicate spirals of 'Ladies’ Tresses'— Botanicalia Collection, rooted in the resilience and purity of nature, offers a moment of tranquility for the modern wearer.

La Serenidad植物園中每一款的設計靈感均源自真實的植株 - 長滿倒刺卻能盛開美朵的「刺蓼」、層層疊起象徵豐裕寓意的「紅球姜」、葉片呈心形的「愛之蔓」、盤繞在花莖的「綬草」等等。
