Plants, silent yet profoundly focused on growth, harness energy, release oxygen, and embody one of life's most common forms. Like lichens, they thrive in diverse extreme environments.

Rooted deep in soil, sprouting in darkness, they absorb nutrients and strengthen. Stem nodes serve as life's backbone, extending to anchor roots and support growth and transformation rhythms. Leaves stretch dynamically, capturing sunlight, yearning for closer contact. Flowers and fruits spring from leaves with vitality, symbolizing hope and abundant growth.

Inspired by plant growth, La Serenidad's 'Vol.6 Botanicalia' Collection documents every phase and structure of life's journey, thriving towards the sun, boldly showcasing beauty, and quietly breathing and supporting in the dark. Each role and state is a protagonist in the garden of life, delicate yet resilient, humbly focused on silent growth and refinement. Each fading, each passing, heralds the beginning of the next brilliant bloom.

In the 'Botanicalia' Collection, LaS explores and embraces the ancient craft of metal weaving—between pieces, assembling wedges and wires in three dimensions, intricately hammered and sculpted to delineate leaf patterns, faithfully recreating the texture of life. We invite wearers to immerse themselves in experiencing the meticulous craftsmanship that LaS has intentionally imbued into each product, capturing the essence of 'lichen.'